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The question most asked is, “How often should I water my plants?” but you should be more concerned with what time of day those plants should be watered. Because most of us work during the day, we are limited to watering either in the morning before work, or late evening when we return home from work.

The best time to water plants is really 10:00 or 11:00 am as that is when the plants show first signs of drying out.

In other words, lunchtime.

If you are forced to water in the early morning, then you may need to water again in the evening. If you water in the evening, then your plants are not ready to be watered again by early morning.

By the time you get home, your plants are about dead.

Solution: quit your job!

Real solution:

Place your plants in an area where they do not get much sun in the afternoon, then only water in the morning. Or, put your plants in larger pots so that they do not dry out so fast, better yet, plant them in the ground. Once they get established in the ground, you may go days between watering. Whatever you do, do not set your plants in saucers full of water as rotting could result, not to mention mildew, which commonly occurs when you water in the late evening.

Sloppy watering habits will cause many bacterial and fungal diseases that will quickly ruin your flower and vegetable gardens.

You must not water with full force splashing bacteria from the un-sterilized garden soil up onto your plants. Spotting will soon appear and the plants, especially tomatoes, roses and zinnias will look simply horrible.

Investing in a watering-wand with a soft-rain breaker will last you for many years and make watering your plants a simple chore. With the wand, you can direct the water softly on the ground without splashing and without bending over. What could be easier than that? With an injector attachment you can mix up a five-gallon bucket of concentrated fertilizer, the equivalent of 35 gallons, and fertilize your plants every time you water.

Don’t watch those television commercials where the guy or gal is standing there with the hose just spraying away, soaking everything in their path…or your neighbor who thinks that he can water his yard with only a spray-gun, and in only five minutes time, be done. Those methods only get the surface wet, not the roots. Those methods are a sure way to get mildew and bacterial diseases.

The Waynedale News Staff

Doug Hackbarth - Broadview Florist & Greenhouses

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