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You may not know this but the “geranium tree” is mostly, only found in this area of the world, and I am talking Indiana only. I put “geranium tree” in quotes because what you get as a tree is really just a large staked or caged geranium bush. A true geranium tree would be one that has all of its lower branches trimmed off and looks like a ball on top of a pole. This is known as a “standard” geranium. You have seen other plants that are standards such as, weeping figs for inside the house, or better yet, a hibiscus tree.

We have gone through many changes on the production of geranium trees, from growing 200 to 300 to 1,000 plants, and now only 150. We used to grow them on poles and now, in cages. The caged method of growing gives you a bushier geranium tree by sacrificing some of the height and are much easier to grow. Another benefit to the bushier, caged tree is more blooms as the ones grown on poles had to have many branches removed.

Varieties of geraniums have made a difference over the years, as well. A company known as Oglevee has been supplying the best varieties of geraniums forever. Last year we tried a group of geraniums known as the “pillar” series. These are specifically used for the geranium trees as they tend to grow very fast and very tall. The big problem was that they had not invented a red pillar geranium yet, and as we know, red is the most popular color. Now we are back to growing the regular geraniums, including red.

The Waynedale News Staff

Doug Hackbarth - Broadview Florist & Greenhouses

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