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(Taken from THE COURIER – official messenger of the Anthony Wayne Area Council BSA)

“The only thing wrong with the Boys Scouts of America is, there’s not enough of ’em.” – Will Rogers

Scouting is a great program. Scouting influences boys to be better citizens, thus more Scouts equals a better society. Boys that stay in Scouting are more likely to: Complete high school, graduate from college, become leaders, and hold jobs that earn $50,000 or more per year. Because of these and other benefits that Scouting provides, it’s vital that we share Scouting with as many young people as possible. We are asking you to:

Make a list of neighbors, friends, people from church or work. Do they have Scout age children that are not Scouts? Call and invite them to a Scout activity.

Have your Scout make a list of 5 friends who are not Scouts (or use the list from a recent birthday party). Invite those boys and their parents to join Scouting.

Cub Scouts who recruit a boy to join Scouting will earn the Recruiter Stripe for their uniform.

Boy Scouts who recruit a boy to join Scouting will receive a specially made recruiter badge for their uniform.

Venturers who recruit a new Scouting participant will receive a Venturing Recruiter badge.



Scoutmaster Jerry Lloyd said, “Troop 38 has openings for a few good young men. As boys grow older and advance beyond the troop age and into the armed services, colleges, or move on to other parts of the country looking for jobs, it leaves us with holes in our ranks that need to be filled. We offer membership in one of the best (and largest) troops in the area. Come on down and look us over any Monday night between 7pm and 8:30pm.”

“Also we still need more adult leadership. We’re asking the parents of our boys to PLEASE take an active interest in your boy’s future with Troop 38 by attending as many of the meetings and activities as possible. This is a TEAM effort and there is no team if there are no team players. We are also seeking adults who were former Scouts to come use your expertise to help with our Scouting unit. Be a volunteer; give back to Scouting as much if not more than you received when you were a Scout.”

NOTE: Boy Scout Troop 38 (one of the oldest troop numbers around) is sponsored by Calvary United Church, 6301 Winchester Road and meets in the church. Chris Madison, once a Scout himself, is pastor and is currently working with Boy Scouts to help them earn their ‘GOD & CHURCH’ religious awards.



On Monday, December 16th, there will be a Court of Honor, followed by our annual potluck dinner. Each patrol is assigned an item to bring, and as a special contribution, Mr. Jobe is planning to bring a hickory-smoked turkey (we don’t call it a potluck for nothing). Anyone interested in learning what a Court of Honor is all about is welcome to come on out and watch the ceremony. Bring and share a green bean casserole if you like. Meat trays and cheese trays will be available also. Oh and we will have the latest flavors of ‘Bug Juice’. Cub Scouts welcome to come and fulfill their Webelos Troop Visitation requirements. Have Mr. Lloyd sign off your books after the meeting.



Friday, January 24, Saturday, January 25, and Sunday, January 26, 2002 are Klondike Derby days with check-in occurring on Friday and the derby beginning on Saturday at 7:30am. The awards ceremony will be held at the closing campfire on Saturday night. ONLY those that stay for the whole weekend will receive the shadow patch; all others will receive just the Klondike Derby Patch. More information will be published later. Akela Day activities will begin at 9am on Saturday. Learn more at the December and January Roundtables. Registration forms are available at the AWAC Volunteer Training & Resource Center.



“Leadership is a quality we all possess at one time or another. Being a scout gives you this training more than others. The older scouts in the troop are well trained and have this quality and the younger scouts look to you for proper guidance and leadership. A troop can only be as strong as its leadership. So guide them well, you are the future of scouting.”

Scoutmaster Jerry Lloyd Troop 38

The Waynedale News Staff

Ray McCune

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