Local Opinion Editorials


To the Editor,

The members of American Legion Post 296 would like to thank the Waynedale News for helping us make our Labor Day Band-A-Rama a success. The funds raised at this event will be divided between Crossroads/Fort Wayne Children’s Home and Children’s Miracle Network.

Thanks to your newspaper for the publicity you gave us and thanks also to the nine dance bands that performed, the merchants who contributed items to be raffled off, the electronic media, AND thanks to the people who filled our hall all day long and donated money to the cause.

Post 296 tries to help friends and neighbors as well as providing for the needs of war veterans and your assistance has often helped us to accomplish this goal.

Thank you,

Phil Ader, Vice Commander

Post 296 American Legion


Howdy Ray,

Just want you to know that there are two groups of people that need recognition for their actions that Tuesday in the wake of the terrorist attacks. The first group is the passengers aboard the highjacked jet that went down in Pennsylvania. They banded together and showed the utmost bravery in the face of death by not allowing their captors to complete their mission. They saved countless lives at the intended target and showed us all what it means to be an American.

The second group is here in Waynedale. The employees of Waynedale Animal Clinic helped to control the line of traffic that was backed up in front of their business waiting to buy gas at the BP station.

Thanks for listening,



To the citizens of Waynedale, Indiana

Are you tired of picking up that little blue plastic wrapped bundle out of your driveway that contains – the ENTERTAINMENT SPOTLIGHT, a K-Mart ad, a Meijer ad, a K’s Merchandise ad, a MENARD’S add, a Kroger ad, and some other stuff? If you are, then call Targeted Delivery at 420-4300 and tell them to either STOP delivering it all together or put in on your porch, behind your screen door, or wherever you want it. But remember they can’t use your mailbox for some stupid reason or other. It has something to do with being a federal offense or postal regulations. It doesn’t matter if you own it or not. I paid $15 for my mailbox; I should be able to put anything in it I want but I can’t. Can the police arrest these people for littering??? If so then seek em!

Just sign me: Tired of picking up papers out of my driveway.

P.S. By the way, the phone number of THE SUNRISER NEWS is 622-4108 and the WAYNEDALE NEWS is 747-4535 in case you have problems along that line.


Dear Editor:

I am appalled at the statement Jerry Fallwell made, perhaps it was taken out of context, but I am even more appalled that CNN would place it on national television!

He made the statement to the effect that this terrorism was a result of abortionists, gays, lesbians, atheists, etc. Let me say that he does not represent 99% of the Christians in this world. And at a time like this I cannot believe such a statement would be allowed to air on national television when we are in such desperate need of unity.

I am a God fearing Christian. I believe in the living word of God, and believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God. I agree that the above list is all sinful. But I would add that we are all sinners. Not one worse than the other. God does not see one sin as greater than the other does. We are accountable for what we know. We are all responsible for turning our faces away from God and following our own agendas. We are all responsible for the sin and disobedience in our country. For if we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem.

Those individuals who have chosen to wage their own “war” and judgement on citizens of this country by desecrating their property, name calling, and threatening their families, etc., are no better than the terrorist who have attacked our country. We must remember that we are dealing with a cell, a group of radicals—not innocent citizens who would defend our country of those in other countries that have been taught since their youth that that America is evil.

We must have empathy for these for these individuals while we seek and punish those individuals who are responsible for this and other acts of tragedy and terrorism. America is strong and we must be behind our leaders and trust in the intelligence Agencies that will be working for a very long time to get at the right people at the right time.

America must remain on their knees in constant prayer to our god. In response to Deuteronomy 29:24-29, we are told in Deuteronomy 30″…and when you and your children return to the Lord your God and obey him with all heart and all your soul according to everything I command you today, then the Lord you God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you…” so we must be courageous and stand together. Lifting in prayer those families who have sustained such loss and for our great nation that we will pull together and continue to go forward and not back slide into segregation and finger pointing. Those days are over. We may not all agree on certain issues in our faith, but most of us will find common ground if we stay focused on the Lord our God and look to Him—and not to ourselves—for strength and courage.

Respectfully, L.Dunn

The Waynedale News Staff

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