Original Leisure & Entertainment


Troop 38 shelter BS - (Before Storm)
Troop 38 shelter BS – (Before Storm)
RIFLE RANGE  (A personal essay by a Boy Scout at Summer Camp)

There is an awesome rifle range at Boy Scout Camp. It was so fun! We got to shoot a lot. The rifle/gun we got to shoot was an M16 rifle. The first time I went there I was so excited. The other scouts were excited too.

When we go there we had to wait for another troop. We waited for about ten-fifteen minutes. We got called to the line and got to the range.

We sat down, got our unloaded rifle ready for the aim. Then, we were given five golden, braze bullets. They were kind of little. We took our gun off safety, opened the bullet chamber, put the bullet in the bullet chamber, and lock ‘n loaded. I shot pretty well for my first time.

by Zachary Howald – Tenderfoot – Troop 38




The Old Settlers organization serves up Beef Stew, Corn Chowder, Ham/Beans and Cornbread every year at the Johnny Appleseed Festival with the help of Boy Scout Troops 38 (sponsored by Calvary United Methodist Church) and Troop 22, (sponsored by the SouthWest Conservation Club).

A special thanks to the Settlers organization for allowing Boy Scouts to be a part of this annual event and giving them the opportunity to earn money for their many outings, projects, and to buy much needed equipment.

A special thanks to Troop 38’s adult leader ‘FIG’ (Fire Is Good) Patrol for tending the fires and keeping Assistant Scoutmaster Bill Lamb under control (Mr. Lamb, although very helpful and knowledgeable in the art of building and maintaining normal campfires), is noted for his ‘sometimes’ oversized scorch-the-bottom-of-low flying-aircraft cook fires).

Everyone said they are looking forward to being a part of this event next year.



The time for this ‘FREE’ annual fall fun activity is coming up soon. In the past, Troop 38 has sponsored a hayride, weenie roast, and chili supper and invited all Scout/Cub Scout age boys (8 – 18) and their families in the Waynedale area to come and join in the fun and fellowship. In the past it’s been held at the SouthWest Conservation Club around the end of October.

Final plans are still being made – read the next issue of SCOUTING SMOKE SIGNALS for more information as to when and where it is being held this year.

Shelters will be available but it is advised that you dress for cool/damp weather.




Boy Scout Troop 38 held their Quarterly Court Of Honor on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 in the fellowship hall of Calvary United Methodist Church, 6301 Winchester Road.

Those earning ranks of advancement were: Raymond Andrew McCune, Joshua Yoho, Zachary Howald and Jameson Bush. Zachary Howald and Jameson Bush were awarded the Swimming merit badges they earned at summer camp.

Those adults and family members awarded Certificates of Recognition from the troop for their help with the Johnny Appleseed Festival were: Mr. Robert Bush, Justice Cromwell, Jennifer Cromwell, Rosemary Jobe, Dan Jobe, and Mr. Howeld.

Mr. Bush was awarded the humorous “WOUNDED SHOVEL AWARD for accidentally toasting his pinkies while helping with the cornbread baking at the festival.

Dan Hullinger was awarded THE SUNSHINE OF OUR LIFE AWARD for his effort in keeping Troop 38 active and serving as the Church’s Chartered Organization Representative, for both Cub Pack 3322 and Troop 38 as well as holding the position of Committee Chairman for Troop 38.

Only two other SUNSHINE OF OUR LIFE awards have been given out in the 14 years since the troop has been in existence. This award is a way of saying THANK YOU to those that have put forth an “Effort Above And Beyond” what is expected of their rank or office. Candidates for this award are voted on in secret. Recipients of the award in the past are: the late Mr. Richard Lindsey (first Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 38 and Susan Jensen (First Cub Pack leader (Pack 3338) at Calvary UMC).



Troop 38 sends their condolences out to Vickie Fox for having to put up with Assistant Scoutmaster Jim Fox’s whining after foot surgery laid him up at home for a period of time. He was missed very much at the Johnny Appleseed Festival, as Mr. Fox has been ‘THE’ Cornbread Chef for the past several years that the troop has been participating in the festival. After the festival, Committee Member Dan Jobe delivered a generous portion of cornbread to the homebound Mr. Fox knowing he would otherwise have missed it completely. We’re not sure how to spell all of Mr. Fox’s jovial comments.


By the way: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. FOX!  Enjoy the cornbread.



Miami District’s (Friday – Sunday) Fall Camporee abruptly ended the evening of Saturday, September 30th when a sudden unexpected wind and rainstorm hit the camping area flattening quite a few tents and shelters.

Approximately 130 Boy Scouts and adult leaders had gathered near the beach area of Roush Lake (Huntington Reservoir) on Friday night for their annual Fall Camporee according to one of the leaders.

The theme for the Camporee was ‘SHOOTING’ with target practice and instructions being held at the new shooting facility near the reservoir. Some of the other activities involved mountain biking and operating remote control airplanes. We were told that some of the troops packed up and came home Saturday night after the storm hit. Assistant Scoutmaster Sean McCune said, “As far as I know, no one was injured and in spite of the soaking, spirits were not dampened.”

We were told that two troops (349 & 302) stayed despite the foul weather, which struck a second time after the main body of campers pulled out for home.

(Anyone wanting or having information about Scouting or popcorn, please contact Ray McCune at 260-747-6512, write to: P. O. Box 9793, Fort Wayne, IN 46899-9793, or e-mail toKampfireKookin@aol.com. Please put “Boy Scouts” in the subject box or it will be deleted without being read).


HAPPY SCOUTING – I hope to see you out there around the old campfire.

The Waynedale News Staff

Ray McCune

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