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On Wednesday August 1,2007 the International Boy Scout movement entered it’s second century providing character, citizenship, fundamental skills, and personal fitness training for youth.

Observances took place in more than 160 countries from the Kingdom of Bhutan to Ecuador; with the symbolic focus on tiny Brownsea Island, off the English coast. That site is where Lord Baden-Powell organized a camp for 20 boys that eventually grew into the Worldwide Scouting movement that we know today.

Mr. William Boyce was a Chicago publisher on business in England. Mr. Boyce was inspired to meet with Lord Baden-Powell when he was led through that famous and dense London fog to an important business meeting by a young man that he encountered along the way. When Mr. Boyce offered the young man a tip for helping him find his way, the boy responded that he was a Scout, and as such could not possibly accept money for doing a good deed. This exchange piqued Mr.Boyce’s curiosity and the Boy Scouts of America came home with him that year. The Boy Scouts of America were incorporated in 1910.

Today the BSA has 1 million members and 1/2 million adult volunteers overseeing 51,000 Units.

The challenges for our youth still exist (albeit in different forms in today’s world). But solutions to these challenges also exist.

The Scouting movement in Waynedale is strong and all local units spent a full week at Camp Chief Little Turtle over the summer. Some other Scouts made the trip to Philmont, New Mexico to see if those Sangre de Cristo mountains are as rough as they look. They are! Yet another contingent headed south to the High Adventure Base in the Florida Keys for sailing, diving, and many other marine adventures.

The Scouting Program enters a new century with optimism and great plans for the future.

The Waynedale News Staff

Gary McComber

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