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Lois EubankThe Harlan UMC Quilt Show

What is better than attending a quilt show? Having the opportunity to speak at one! Such was my pleasure on April 10 when I gave the lecture “Ten things to ask yourself before starting a quilt restoration.”

Sometimes lecture opportunities pop up where I least expect them. Late last year, I was contracted to conduct an analysis for Associated Churches’ Everybody Eats program to give them insight into the service gaps in providing food to hungry people. One of the women I interview is Shirley Spindler, coordinator of the food pantry at Harlan UMC. A rural community with easier access to fresh vegetables and meat than most pantries, Shirley shares valuable operation information. Somewhere in the conversation the subject of quilts comes up and Shirley mentions April 9-10 will be the church’s second biennial quilt show.

Months pass and one day I have a message on the answering machine from Shirley asking me if I remember her and inviting me to be the show’s guest speaker.

One of the hardest things to do when preparing for a lecture is deciding which quilts/tops/examples to show. The old adage of packing for a trip: pack what you think you need, than leave half of it home, is certainly true. In due course I parry the selection.

The Harlan UMC is beautiful and has a new addition. The theme is “Log Cabin Fever” and I’m prepared to show three. The ladies hope this year’s show will surpass their previous effort. They needn’t worry: Twice as many people enthusiastically pay admission to view their efforts. Besides the Log Cabin section, there are older quilts going back to the late 1800s, modern pieces, first quilts by young parishioners, appliqué crib quilts from the 1930-40s. Even the church pews are draped with quilts as the sun shines in through the beautiful stain glass windows-it was a majestic sight.

In no time it is noon and women gather at the tables eager to listen. I involve the audience asking them questions, having them resolve “What Would Grandma Do” scenarios. It’s fun. Questions regarding the cleaning of quilts, what kind of soap to use, can I date a quilt someone brought to share?  Two hours fly by.

In no time it is 4 p.m. and the show is over. Now comes the fun part. The church ladies now decide which of the church’s various ministries and programs will benefit from their endeavor. A happy task indeed!

Do you have a quilt related question or are looking for a guest speaker? E-mail Lois Eubank at bornagainquilts@verizon.net or call her at 260-515-9446.

Lois Levihn

She is the author of the "Around the Frame" quilting column. She is a graduate of Wayne HS. Quilts have always been important to her, she loves the stories surrounding them, the techniques used in making them, & restoring them. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer