Local Opinion Editorials


Creating a Debate About Evolution (Part 3)


With ninety-three percent of the American public saying they believe God had a hand in creating life, it seems that people who use evolution as a means of waging a war on religion have largely been unsuccessful. This belief in God stubbornly persists to the degree that now some scientists claim humans are genetically programmed to believe in a higher power. That of course doesn’t prove there is no higher power, any more than saying because my computer keyboard nicely corresponds to my ten fingers, they don’t exist. The “God-gene,” if there really is such a thing, would be one of the main distinctions, like language, that truly makes us human and sets us apart from all other organisms. If anything, it provides one more bit of evidence for a creator.

At some point one has to ask why atheists, particularly ones who militantly push forward their beliefs, feel the need to destroy a belief in God. There must be many reasons, but one stands out: no God, no morality. Everyone can choose what’s right in his or her own eyes. It may sound nice, until someone comes along and infringes upon our rights, our comfort, and our security. It’s one thing to say, “there’s no absolute right or wrong,” until our car gets stolen or we fall victim to a violent crime. That’s when we wish everyone would follow Jesus’ command, “treat others like you want them to treat you.”

In schools, universities, and the public square people should be allowed to debate if evolution has philosophical implications and whether or not it is a settled scientific fact. A rigid, top-down control through intimidation and condescension will only lead to unhelpful conflict. To quote a line from Star Wars where Princess Leiah addressed an official of the galactic empire, “the more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.” Unless there is an open debate to know the truth, neither science nor society is truly free.

The Waynedale News Staff

Ron Coody

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